Monday, November 18, 2019

Non verbal communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Non verbal communication - Essay Example This paper shall aim at highlighting a number of gestures, their meaning and the circumstances under which they are used. The first gesture to look into is pointing using the index finger while complementing certain speeches. This gesture is an illustrator when one is trying to show the other direction but in other circumstances it is regarded as rude when one is angry or trying to undermine another. It is also used to give warning where one feels that they are being offended by another. Looking at ones watch is another that falls under regulator gestures that may mean that the current conversation is to end as there is no time. It also tries to sensitize others that time is running short. It is may also seem rude to others especially when one tries to convey a message that they are bored and may want to leave or stop the interaction. The other is leaning forward which is usually used to show respect. It can also be used ironically to show disrespect to others. It is therefore also dependent of the circumstances of usage. Walking away is another gesture whereby it may show disrespect to the ones being left behind e.g. students walking away from their teacher (Yule, 2010). Walking away can also show respect where one wishes not to argue especially with a superior to show they will do as requested without protests. This one may in a deeper sense indicate that the one being left is stupid as reasoning with them is useless therefore no reason to remain and discuss. Tapping ones fingers is also another gesture that is common with people who are showing respect to one another or where there is shyness from one or both parties and falls under the beat gestures. It happens more often in official and dating situations. It may also mean in a deeper sense that the one tapping their fingers is in a hurry or is not so much in to the conversation meaning they may not be

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